partitions yunohost

Paths Contents Tips
/home User folders accessible via SFTP Moveable to a hard disk
/home/yunohost.backup YunoHost’s backups Depending on your backup strategy, you may want to place this folder on a separate drive from your data or databases.
/home/ Heavy data from yunohost applications (nextcloud, matrix…) Moveable to a hard disk
/home/yunohost.multimedia Heavy data shared between several applications Moveable to a hard disk
/var/lib/mysql Database used by applications Ideally leave on SSD for performance reasons
/var/lib/postgresql Database used by applications Ideally leave on SSD for performance reasons
/var/mail User e-mails Movable to a hard disk
/var/www Program of installed web applications Ideally leave on SSD for performance reasons
/var/log Event logs (pages consulted, connection attempts, hardware errors…). This directory should not take up too much space, if it grows quickly, it may be a looping error that should be resolved.
/opt Program and dependency of some YunoHost applications. Ideally leave it on the SSD for performance reasons. For nodejs applications it is possible to do some cleanup of unused versions.
/boot Kernels and boot files Do not move unless you know what you are doing. It can happen that too many kernels are kept, it is possible to do some cleanup.